I’ve incorporated a gratitude list into my daily morning routine for the past 18 months. I started the practice at a time in my life when it would have been all too easy to stress over all the negatives. I made a conscious decision to flip my thinking and take note of the blessings in my life.
My daily gratitude list is not a magic wand. Problems still exist. I’m still plagued by life’s stressors. But studies show that expressing daily gratitude is an incredible way to be happier every single day. Turning my attention toward the good things in life actually helps me create a more positive mindset, which leads to positive action.
My gratitude list allows me to shift my focus and provides me with an overwhelming feeling of appreciation and thankfulness. While I create daily lists, the end of the year feels like an appropriate time for me to express my gratitude to you and my team of advisors, support staff, cheerleaders, and trusted confidants.
I am grateful for
Those of you who read my blogs and take the time to comment
An extraordinary pool of local fellow professionals in the field of aging with whom I can collaborate and refer
The amazing support of my administrative and IT teams, both allowing me to build and grow my business
My personal cheerleaders who fill my cup and touch my heart beyond measure
My sounding boards when the work/life balance feels out of whack
My gratitude spurs my desire to return kindness to others. And so I conclude this list with profound appreciation of my clients and their families. Thank you for allowing me into your homes and your lives. Thank you for entrusting me with the care of your aging family member. I am grateful for the memories, the challenges, and all of the beautiful moments. Caring for older adults is my passion and I have endless thanks for these opportunities to do what I love.
I'd like to extend special acknowledgement to my clients who lost a loved one this year. I recognize there is a hole in your heart, compounded by the holiday season. Please know I continue to feel the loss and your loved one's memory continues to be a blessing.
This holiday season, as you light a candle or trim a tree, pause and recognize the miracles in your life.
With sincere gratitude,